Daniya Sohail

I can code

Hello, I'm Daniya, currently pursuing a bachelor's in software engineering. With a knack for problem-solving, I'm fluent in Python and C++, and proficient in web technologies like HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript. I'm currently deepening my understanding of data structures through practical coding exercises. My interests extend beyond academics; I enjoy reading and traveling, which provide both relaxation and inspiration. Known for my diligence and resilience, I'm always eager to take on challenges. In addition to coursework, I'm enrolled in a mobile app development course on freecodecamp, broadening my skill set. I've also worked on diverse projects, from disease detection using machine learning to developing a library management system and an ATM interface using Python. Looking ahead, I'm committed to continual learning and growth in the field of software engineering, whether through coursework or personal projects.



Library Management System

The Vector-Based Library Management System is a robust and efficient software solution designed to streamline the operations of a library without the need for a traditional database management system (DBMS). This system leverages the power of C++ vectors to manage and organize the library's resources.

Github Link


ATM Interface

This application simulates a basic ATM interface using PyQt5, providing users a graphical interface to perform common banking operations.

Github Link


Disease Detection Using X-ray

I made a machine learning model for the detection of two diseases: Pneumonia and Tuberculosis Use the ..erajproject.h5.doc to access the model through the link trained for the detection of pneumonia and the model named model (1).h5 for tuberculosis detection.

Github Link